Friday, January 27, 2012

Know your knots, or you'll lose lures, fish, and patience

I come to this post pretty honestly.  When I first got back into fishing I learned one knot and thought it would be enough.  Unfortunately I didn't learn to tie this knot correctly and I developed an expensive habit; chucking spinner-bats out to the middle of ponds without my line attached.

Since life teaches you lessons when you pay attention to them I decided to improve my knots and knot knowledge.  I found a site on the net that showed me how to tie a few fishing knots.  Then I found a few more.   

When fishing we want the strongest possible connection between the hook/lure and our line; it's the only connection to the fish we want to catch that we have.  To this end the knots I usually tie are known as 95% knots.  This means the knot is only 5% weaker than the pound-test rating of the line you're using.  It's important to know that your knot isn't going to fail when you hook into what is pulling like it's the biggest fish you've ever caught.

The first knot you'll need to know in order to get line on your reel is the Arbor Knot and is the site where I first learned to tie it.

Arbor Knot from

Since I fish braided line on my wet-water rods for the added strength/thinner diameter it offers I like the Palomar Knot. (it's a 95% knot)

Palomar Knot from

A good knot to tie in monofilament (what most fisher-people use) to attach terminal tackle.  (also a 95% knot)

Improved Clinch Knot from

There are many more knots to learn. I have found it's good when wading to be have your knot of choice committed to knowledge as you're mid-river and not really able to look up much on the internet.